A few days ago on April 19, ceremonies were held to honor and preserve the memory of those fallen men; three of which were members of the 306th Bomb Group, 369th Squadron, B-17 Susan Ruth crew – co-pilot George Eike, navigator Robert Benninger, and waist gunner John Pindroch.

The attached pictures were sent to me by Jacques Lalot. Jacques has been so kind as to provide me with detailed information about what actually happened on that day 70 years ago which I have included in my book, Shot Down.

In the pictures you can see the stone memorial that was dedicated in 1999 and see Christel Delahaye standing with André Guiot; both members of the Association du Devoir de Mémoire de Momignies – Belgique (Momignies Duty to Remember Association – Belgium).

During the 5 day 70th Anniversary Celebrations this fall (which I along with about 30 other relatives of crew members will be attending), ceremonies will be held at this memorial as well as the Susan Ruth Memorial on September 4.

It’s Our Duty To Remember – Never Forget

Ceremony 3

Ceremony 4 Ceremony 2 Christel Delahaye & Andre Guiot

April 22, 1944 Memorial Ceremony 1